When you purchase your home you take into account all of the things you will need to accommodate you and your family. People looking to purchase a home will know how many bedrooms they need; how many bathrooms they would like; how large of a garage they need; what kind of yard they want; and the size of kitchen that will be right for their family. After moving into your home they carefully selected and living there for a while you may have discovered that there are some new things that you need in your house that just are not there. So what do you do? Some people choose to sell their home and carefully select another one while others choose to remodel or add on to their current home. How on earth do you know which one of these options is best for your family? At Future Vision Remodeling we have done all kinds of home projects. There are pros and cons to each and every choice that you can make for you home. Today we want to highlight the pros of adding on to your home.
Room Addition Gives More Living Space
This is the most obvious reason of adding on to your home. Every family likes to have they space that they need to accommodate their family and all of its belongings. Here in America we tend to store lots of items in our house. Many people have crafting supplies, bikes, workout equipment, books, and more that they love having a place for. No matter what room you are choosing to add onto in your home you will be amazed at how that change can truly give you the space that you need to keep all of your belongings just the way you want them. Sometimes the reason for the addition is not for storage but so that your room can house your family in a more comfortable way. Many times people see that adding just a few feet to a kitchen, bedroom, or family room gives them all of the space that they needed!
Cost & Convenience of Remodeling VS Moving
When people want more space in their home many times they automatically start thinking that they are going to have to move to get the extra space that they want. Moving comes with many different expenses though. Buying a larger home will come with a higher monthly mortgage payment that you have to pay back for the next 15 to 30 years. A home addition is significantly cheaper. Many times homeowners will find that they can save the money necessary to pay cash for the project. This allows them to keep their monthly bills the same AND still enjoy a bigger house. Even if you take out a small loan for your home addition the cost is still cheaper than buying a new home.
Home Addition for Additional Bedrooms
Current research shows that 40% of young adults live at home with their parents. With more adult children living at home you may find yourself needing extra bedrooms. Maybe you have decided to have more children than you had when you originally purchased the house. Or maybe you are now taking care of an elderly family member and need a bedroom for them. There are many reasons for needing an additional bedroom in your home. We find that homeowners are frequently pleasantly surprised that adding a bedroom to their home is not as expensive as they would have anticipated.
Room Home Additions & More in Redwood City, Foster City, Palo Alto, Saratoga, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Sunnyvale, Campbell, Loyola, Monte Sereno, Mountain View, Santa Clara & Greater San Jose, California
There are many other reasons for wanting an addition to your home but we find that these are the most common ones that pop up. If you think that this would be a good option for you home give Future Vision Remodeling a call today. We can come out and discuss all of your options with you and help you make the best decision for your family. Contact us today!