When a product is first invented the excitement that it brings society can be fun to watch. Once the product starts being used, many times improvements are made that make it even better than it was to begin with. As time goes on the product just keeps getting better and better.
Solar Panel Technology Advances
Solar panels are an example of this concept. When solar panels were first introduced for homes they were exciting. When we compare the solar panels on the market today with the ones that were first produced it is crazy to see all of the improvements. Maybe you were not interested in solar panels twenty years ago but you might be surprised to find that you are considering it now.
Solar Panels Save on Electricity Bills
There are many benefits of having solar panels installed on your home. The largest benefit of installing solar panels is that it saves you money. Your solar panels use the natural energy from the sun to power your home. When the weather is nice and sunny you will generate lots of power with your solar panels. Whatever power that you do not use gets banked for you to use on days that are not as sunny. It is estimated that if your solar panels are properly installed that you can offset your electric bills by an average of $2,400 each and every year. Your savings will start right away! There are often tax credits and rebates that you could qualify for by converting to solar energy. The tax credits and rebates can be confusing if you are not familiar with the ins and outs of them. You will want to make sure that you get all of the money you can for switching over to solar energy.
Solar Panels Increase Home Value
Having solar panels installed on your home will increase the value of your home. Educated buyers know that solar panels mean lower electricity costs. A study conducted by National Renewable Energy Laboratory concluded that homes with solar panels sell 20% faster and for 17% more money. If they are debating between your home that has solar panels and another home that does not have solar panels they are more likely to choose your home.
Environmental Advantages of Solar Power
In addition to the financial benefits of switching over to solar panels there are also environmental benefits. Fueling your home with solar energy helps reduce your carbon footprint. The average residential solar system offsets about 100,000 pounds of carbon dioxide in twenty years. You can help do your part to save the environment by switching over to solar energy. Not only does using renewable energy help save the environment it also helps keep our society healthier. The coal and natural gas plants used to produce electricity emit harmful gases that are bad for our health. Our air quality will improve as more people switch over to solar energy.
Solar Panel Installation & More in Redwood City, Foster City, Palo Alto, Saratoga, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Sunnyvale, Campbell, Loyola, Monte Sereno, Mountain View, Santa Clara & Greater San Jose, California
So if you are interested in switching over to solar energy give Future Vision Remodeling a call. Our experienced team can help answer any questions that you may have about solar energy. We can also ensure that your solar panels are installed to provide you with the maximum amount of energy possible. Contact us today!